Speaking Engagements

Dr. Robert L. Green – Activist, Scholar and MLK Associate –

Re-launches Speaking Tour for January and February 2014 Events

There have been hundreds of books, movies and theater productions on the Civil Rights movement, stories of brave activists who – on behalf of beleaguered African Americans – blazed a path to legal equality that also paved the way for social justice movements for women and Latinos.

But none of these treatments have the remarkable perspective of Dr. Robert L. Green, a friend and colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He served as education director for King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference during a crucial period in the Civil Rights struggle. As head ofRobert L. Green & Associates, an education consulting team, he continues to fight for social justice and educational equity.

As an author, he expanded public understanding of the link between poverty and race in The Urban Challenge – a landmark book published in 1977 – and he documents how high expectations and innovation can close the achievement gap in his forthcoming Scholastic Inc. book titled Expect the Most – Provide the Best, available March 2014.

As an activist, he was among those who helped Martin Luther King, Jr. lead the 1966 Mississippi March Against Fear for voting rights. In the early 1970s, Dr. Green also played a key role in ending employment discrimination in coaching and game officiating in collegiate sports and – working with his friends, Andrew Young and Arthur Ashe – he went to South Africa to challenge that country’s apartheid system. In addition, he was active the divestment movement that eventually prompted the South African to end apartheid and establish a democracy.

Education has been called the new Civil Rights movement. However, in his speeches and presentations nationwide, Dr. Green has helped audiences understand why Dr. King believed that educational equity was central to the fight for Civil Rights and why academic achievement is still a key to creating a more just society. His insights as a speaker have been sought by many organizers of events related to Black History Month and the Martin Luther King holiday.

Please contact me if you would like to arrange to have Dr. Green speak at MLK events in January 2014 or Black History Month commemorations in February 2014.


Kurt M. Green, MBA
Business Manager, Robert L. Green & Associates
Phone: 818-284-7122
Email:  KurtGreenMedia@gmail.com